The Most Common Community Mental Health Resources in Texas
A Brief Guide to Empower Communities and Connect Individuals to Vital Mental Health Support in Texas
A Brief Guide to Empower Communities and Connect Individuals to Vital Mental Health Support in Texas
What's Community Got to Do With It-MH Learning from Episcopal Health Foundation on Vimeo. This session focused on what the public mental health service system in Texas does, what it does not do, and what roles communities and congregations are playing across the state. We shared examples of effective community engagement to promote mental health … Read more
Fall brings new opportunities for EHF to connect with congregations across the Diocese of Texas. We remain committed to providing offerings and resources that are impactful, especially in relation to our four focus areas- Mental Health, Community Organizing, Racial Justice, and Poverty. See our fall offerings below. Mental Health Learning Network: What’s Community Got to … Read more
Join EHF’s congregational engagement team and consultants Lynda Frost and Anna Jackson for the 2021 Mental Health Summit.
Are The Kids Alright EHF Mental Health Network Gathering from Episcopal Health Foundation on Vimeo. EHF Congregational Engagement hosts this network gathering to discuss mental health concerns regarding kids and youth. Special guest Angie Jackson shares about school resources and concerns.
The Rev. Jan Halstead of Christ Episcopal Church in Cedar Park shares her thoughts on the congregation’s Mental Health ministry from successes to challenged and moving forward.
EHF Mental Health Learning Network | Criminal (in)Justice and Mental Health 20210520 from Episcopal Health Foundation on Vimeo. The EHF Learning Network is a next step for Episcopal congregations looking for imaginative ways to connect, deepen strategies for promoting mental health and well-being, and gain experience using virtual meeting platforms to invite meaningful conversation. These … Read more
The first workshop for In Common 2021: Addressing Poverty, provided participants with a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between poverty and mental health. The workshop focused on a systems view of the policies and practices that are influenced by and influence poverty dynamics, while connecting these abstract ideas to examples and experiences of people … Read more