Category: Research

Opinion: Let’s make the drivers of health the focus of the HEALTH debate

  At the recent Democratic presidential debate in Houston, we heard more details about health care and the candidates’ ideas to improve our health care system. It’s not surprising considering a plurality of voters see health care as the most important issue facing the nation. But as these issues continue to be discussed, I’m hoping we will also hear

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EHF’s new Texas Health Policy Poll shows more than half of Texans say it’s difficult to afford health care

“The state can actually do something about it. This was a session on education, not so much on health. Maybe next time’s the health session,” says EHF’s Elena Marks on Texas Standard. EHF’s new statewide poll shows healthcare affordability & access remain consistent struggles for the majority of Texans, yet little was done to address those issues at the state legislature. #HealthNotJustHealthcare

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What Do The 2018 ACA Enrollment Data Tell Us? A CloserLook At ACA Enrollees In Texas And Nationally

The numbers show that an overwhelming majority of Texans enrolled in the ACA marketplace are returning enrollees and are largely shielded from the premium increases because of federal tax credits. Any discussion to eliminate the ACA marketplace without a clear policy alternative would risk adding another 1.1 million Texans to the uninsured population and returning the state uninsured rate to more than 20 percent.

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