Do you really understand health insurance terms?
Be honest. If you had to take a test on knowing the ins and out of health insurance terms, would you pass?
Be honest. If you had to take a test on knowing the ins and out of health insurance terms, would you pass?
The latest Affordable Care Act health insurance enrollment numbers show some encouraging trends, but much more can be done to help increase access to health services for all Texans.
Dr. Shao-Chee Sim, EHF’s new VP for applied research, shares how working in strategic philanthropy continues his lifelong interest in helping communities.
In a video blog, EHF’s community engagement officer Troy Bush-DiDonato explains the reasoning behind our latest research project looking at community health needs in three neighborhoods across Southwest Houston.
We’re six months into executing on our first strategic operating plan, 18 months into my tenure, a little over two years into our actual existence, and I’m taking stock.
Texas growing population creates perfect storm for areas with shortages in primary care doctors, workforce. So, how can EHF help?
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Houston, Texas 77002
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