Congregation Stories


What’s Community Got to Do With It-MH Learning

What's Community Got to Do With It-MH Learning from Episcopal Health Foundation on Vimeo. This session focused on what the public mental health service system in Texas does, what it does not do, and what roles communities and congregations are playing across the state. We shared examples of effective community engagement to promote mental health

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Changing Seasons, New EHF Offerings for Learning

Fall brings new opportunities for EHF to connect with congregations across the Diocese of Texas. We remain committed to providing offerings and resources that are impactful, especially in relation to our four focus areas- Mental Health, Community Organizing, Racial Justice, and Poverty. See our fall offerings below. Mental Health Learning Network: What’s Community Got to

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Are The Kids Alright EHF Mental Health Network Gathering

Are The Kids Alright EHF Mental Health Network Gathering from Episcopal Health Foundation on Vimeo. EHF Congregational Engagement hosts this network gathering to discuss mental health concerns regarding kids and youth. Special guest Angie Jackson shares about school resources and concerns.

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