Category: Philanthropy

Bishop’s Message: EHF’s One Mission

The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, IX Bishop of Texas and EHF’s chairman of the board explains how EHF is working to model what it means to be a ‘neighbor’ to a new kind of community, so we become healthier together.

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EHF on the road – making community connections

EHF volunteers recently walked neighborhoods in Houston’s 5th Ward. See why they came away from the experience not only with a clearer picture of what it means to reach out and be in community, but what it means to create important connections with communities.

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Philanthropic dollars are no substitute for good policy

Funding from the Episcopal Health Foundation and other philanthropies can provide a launching pad for a nascent idea, build the capacity of a long-standing organization, and absorb risk for high-risk but high-reward initiatives. But our dollars cannot — nor should they have to — compensate for a faulty system.

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