Episcopal Health Foundation conducts evaluation for two primary purposes. First, as an institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and a public charity, EHF strives to be transparent about and accountable for the use of the abundant resources entrusted to the Foundation. Second, the Foundation wants to learn from its previous experience about how to improve its work and increase its impact going forward. The annual evaluation report supports both purposes.
For the past four years, EHF has evaluated its investment portfolio and presented these results in a yearly evaluation report. The 2018 Evaluation Report analyzes the results of 330 active community health investments, 145 of which were newly initiated in 2018. EHF defines a community health investment as a discrete contribution of dollars or staff time intended to support an organization, set of organizations, or community in launching or advancing work designed to transform health. Foundation investments include grants, research projects, and community and congregational engagement programs.
From the beginning of EHF, we've been dedicated to being transparent and measuring the true impact of our work to create healthier communities in Texas. We publish our evaluation reports because we want to be accountable as a health philanthropy.
Measuring Impact - 2022
Episcopal Health Foundation conducts an annual evaluation of its work for two primary purposes. First, as an institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) and a public charity, EHF strives to be transparent about and accountable for the use of the abundant resources entrusted to us. Second, we want to learn from our previous experience about how to improve our work and increase our impact going forward, especially in the context of implementing our Strategic Plan.
In 2022, EHF supported 287 active investments, 131 of which were new in 2022, and the remaining 156 of which were made in prior years and remained active during 2022. Highlights of some of our partners’ findings are shared in the 2022 Select Evaluation Findings Report.