General Grant Guidelines


EHF makes grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations whose work relates directly to EHF’s vision, goals and strategies. To be eligible, an organization must have received an Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter indicating that it is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) or 170(c) and is not a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code.

All grants funded by EHF must be implemented within the 57-county service area of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

What EHF does not fund:

  • Grants to individuals
  • Grants for school-based intervention except for school-based clinics providing comprehensive primary care
  • Grants for capital projects except by invitation from EHF
  • Grants for scholarships
  • Grants for religious purposes
  • Grants to public agencies for routine service provision
  • Grants to retire operating deficits or debt
  • Grants for parks, playgrounds, or camps
  • Grants to provide services restricted to individuals living in a specific residential facility
  • Grants for acute care, inpatient care or long-term care institutions
  • Grants for emergency assistance organizations for routine service provision
  • Grants for biomedical research
  • Grants for child care, early education or after-school programs for routine service provision
  • Grants to schools for core educational purposes
  • Grants for disease- or condition-specific organizations for program, research or advocacy work
  • Grants to underwrite conferences, luncheons, galas or fundraisers, or special events such as health fairs
  • Direct or indirect support for candidates, political parties, 501(c)(4) organizations or Political Action Committees

EHF funds can be used for technical assistance, planning, demonstration projects, matching funds (as long as the purpose of the match aligns with EHF’s goals and strategies), program evaluation, and general operating. All grants funded by EHF must be implemented within the 57-county service area of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

Tax Exempt Status
EHF makes grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations whose work relates directly to EHF’s vision, goals and strategies. To be eligible, an organization must have received an Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter indicating that it is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) or 170(c) and is not a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code.

Foundation Service Area
EHF provides grants to organizations that serve vulnerable populations within the 57-county service area of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

Religious Affiliation
While EHF exists as a supporting organization of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, we do not require an applicant’s affiliation with the Episcopal Church or any other faith community in-order-to be considered for funding.

EHF is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully and have equal opportunities. EHF does not support discrimination by our affiliates based on any of the grounds mentioned below. Any acts or practices deemed to be discriminatory are grounds for refusal to partner with potential affiliates or termination of pre-existing relationships.

  • Age
  • Ancestry
  • Citizenship
  • Disability (including mental, physical, developmental or learning disabilities)
  • Employment status
  • Gender (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
  • Gender expression
  • Gender identity
  • Marital status (including married, single, widowed, divorced, separated or living in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage, whether in a same-sex or opposite-sex relationship)
  • National or ethnic origin
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexual orientation
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Association or relationship with a person identified by one of the above grounds.

Comprehensive women’s health services
The Foundation highly values the provision of comprehensive preventive services for women of all ages. According to the Institute of Medicine, women in particular stand to benefit from additional preventive health services including medications, procedures, devices, tests, education and counseling shown to improve well-being, and/or decrease the likelihood or delay the onset of a targeted disease or condition. This includes among other things, a full range of contraceptive education, counseling, methods and services so that women can better avoid unwanted pregnancies and space their pregnancies to promote optimal birth outcomes. The public health benefits of contraception are well-documented in the literature and the CDC identifies family planning as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Childhood immunizations
In May 1992, responding to a recent resurgence of measles, the U.S. Public Health Service and a diverse group of medical and public health experts established the Standards for Pediatric Immunization Practices.

These Standards, which were approved by the U.S. Public Health Service and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, represent the most desirable practices for all healthcare providers and immunization programs. These standards support that immunizations should be given as part of comprehensive child healthcare. Consistent with these standards, the Foundation expects primary care clinics serving children to incorporate these standards as part of their comprehensive primary care and pediatric services.

Patient fees
The Foundation believes that all clinics, including those serving low-income, uninsured and vulnerable populations, should look to a variety of revenue streams to support their work. Patient fees, priced on a sliding scale and waived when appropriate, are an important part of the revenue mix for several reasons. First, they provide a source of revenue, even if modest, that can make a difference in a tight budget. Healthcare delivery has substantial costs, and patients know or should know that and should contribute when they can. Additionally, patients value what they pay for and feel more dignity when they contribute to the cost of their care than when they receive care in the form of charity. High-quality care is less likely to be achievable and sustainable if it relies entirely on philanthropy (in the form of dollars and/or staff).

EHF provides eligible applicants with the following types of competitive investments:

  • Restricted grants support specific activities carried out over a defined period and/or are planned in-order-to achieve a specific result or goal
  • Unrestricted grants support an organization’s day-to-day expenses in furtherance of its mission rather than specific projects or programs; may also include support to build organizational infrastructure

EHF also provides funding solicited by invitation only that include:

  • Small grants to provide up to $10,000 in support of the immediate short-term needs of an organization to address a specific organizational development or emergency issue
  • Request for Proposals when issued by the EHF to support specific initiatives of interest to the Foundation.

We will consider grants for capital support on a limited basis after consultation and by invitation only.

Grant Application Review and Assignment of Program Officer
Once your application has been received, it will be assigned to a program officer for review. The program officer will contact you to conduct due diligence which may include a site visit.

Grant Decisions and Notification of Award
All applicants will be notified via email within 10 working days of stated Board meetings about the final actions taken by the Board of Directors.

Organizations receiving awards will be sent a grant contract via DocuSign, EHF’s electronic signature application.  Upon receipt of the signed contract, EHF will process payment of the grant.

EHF requires all grantees to receive their grant payments through an electronic funds transfer (EFT) process.  You will receive and complete the required EFT form also via DocuSign.

Post Award
Keep in touch with your program officer. Let her/him know of any significant changes in your organization and/or programming.

If you receive a grant you must provide EHF with interim and final reports including progress made towards contractual outcomes and expenditure of grant funds to date. Dates for these and other required reports will be clearly stated in the grant contract. Subsequent applications from an organization will be considered only if reporting is up-to-date. Questions about reporting requirements should be directed to our grant manager, Ruben Lanting, at

All inquiries by applicants or potential applicants regarding grant requests, awards/denials, and availability of funds should be directed to EHF’s grantmaking department at or (713) 225-0900.

As per Board-approved EHF policy, applicants should not direct questions or letters of support to or attempt to obtain support from EHF Board members.

EHF values learning and evaluation for all stakeholders on the pathway to community health transformation. We look forward to ongoing engagement with applicants and grantees on this topic in order to fully realize the potential of the work they are doing.

EHF’s Board of Directors has the responsibility for the final approval or declination of each grant. Since EHF receives funding requests that far exceed our grants budget each year, we cannot fund every worthy project. A decision not to fund a proposal does not reflect on the merits of the proposal or the applicant organization.