
Share your stories of community transformation!

Send us stories, photos and videos of how your congregation is helping to improve health in your community.



Congregations across the Diocese are seeking inspiration on how to engage their communities in addressing the many issues that contribute to poor health. EHF wants to know what you and your church are doing to effect change in your community!

The stories we’ve already shared show the power of congregations coming together to work beyond the walls of their church. It’s a program helping at-risk youth in Houston. A congregation searching for access to care solutions in Tyler. Celebrations that help end the stigma of mental illness in LaMarque.

Now, we want to share your story. Tell us about your efforts with pictures, narrative, video or a combination of these. Be creative! It may represent a personal passion or a full congregational engagement initiative. It may be something that’s already accomplished, a program underway or a simply a dream of yours. 

The stories we often hear remind us that community, health and social issues are not only about the red tape and policies, but also about real people who face difficult challenges. Stories may highlight sharing facilities, partnering with community institutions, outreach programs, or receiving support from leadership and the community.

Not sure what to send us? Here are a few ideas:

  • Photos of you or your fellow church and community members hard at work
  • Anecdotes about community members/families that your congregation has impacted with your outreach (be sure it’s OK with them to share)
  • Stories about partnerships with other congregations and community organizations
  • Upcoming events being held through your congregation or in collaboration with the community
  • Training sessions or conferences you’ve attended that have supported your congregational outreach work
  • An experience that changed the way you understood your commitment to your community, or how to make the best impact
  • An explanation of a critical problem and how you approached it, or would like to approach it
  • A lesson that deepened your understanding of the mission of your outreach work 

The stories, photos and videos sent to the Episcopal Health Foundation may be used in our various publications, website or shared via our social media outlets.

To share your story, click here to send us an email.
Please include: Full Name, Congregation, Role, Summary of your story and any Pictures or Videos of the great work being done through your church.