
EHF announces NEW earlier deadline to submit LOI for Goal 2-Activate Communities grants

In order to meet the deadline of migrating grants data into the a new online grants data system, EHF is moving the Cycle 2/Goal 2 Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and Application submission deadlines to earlier dates. 

EHF is moving to a new online grant application and data system effective June 2021.  In order to meet the deadline of migrating grants data into the new system, EHF is moving the Cycle 2/Goal 2 Activate Communities Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and Application submission deadlines to earlier dates.

The new LOI submission deadline for Cycle 2/Goal 2 is now April 9, 2021.

If your LOI is approved, the new application submission deadline is now May 14, 2021.

These changes will allow us to transition to this new system with little to no interruptions to EHF’s grantmaking process. The new Cycle 2/Goal 2 submission deadline changes are reflected in the updated 2021 Submission Deadlines graphic above and the changes have also been made throughout EHF’s website.

The Cycle 2/Goal2 LOI submission link is now available and may be accessed by visiting EHF’s Letter of Inquiry section.

Please feel free to contact EHF by email or call your program officer with any questions or concerns.