Episcopal Health Foundation is announcing $5.5 million in new investments to help organizations across Texas work with members across their communities to advocate for health and adopt new ways of solving health-related problems.
“We really believe that to build healthy communities, those who are most affected must be included and engaged in working toward positive change,” says Dr. Ann Barnes, EHF’s president and CEO. “By supporting these community-driven efforts, we think changes to improve health will more likely take root and have lasting power.”
EHF’s new investments will work to strengthen community voice and engagement in practical and tangible ways in order to influence organizational practices and health policies.
Many of these grant investments focus on building resident leadership and civic engagement through community organizing and training opportunities for youth and adults to influence local and statewide policy issues that impact their health and mental health outcomes.
Other investments work to build multi-sector coalitions to coordinate advocacy and community engagement efforts, mobilize campaigns, and coordinate programming to increase access to health resources and public benefits that address non-medical drivers of health like food and nutrition security.

EHF’s $5.5 million investment will fund grants to 24 community-based organizations and/or projects:
Alliance for African American Health Central TX $150,000
American Heart Association, Inc $200,000
Bastrop County Cares $60,000
Baylor University $175,000
Central Texas Interfaith $550,000
East Harris County Empowerment Council $150,000
GAVA Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin $400,000
Gulf Coast Leadership Council $550,000
Healthy Futures of Texas $100,000
Houston in Action Network $500,000
Memorial Assistance Ministries $81,750
Mi Familia Vota Education Fund $125,000
National Alliance on Mental Illness-Texas $50,000
Neighborhood Recovery CDC $160,000
Sustainable Food Center $200,000
Texas Network of Youth Services $150,000
Texas Organizing Project Education Fund $350,000
Third Ward Community Fund Management Corporation $300,000
United Way for Greater Austin $250,000
United Way of Brazoria County $65,000
United Way of Waco-McLennan County $150,000
Waco Foundation $125,000
World Hunger Relief Institute $300,000
Young Invincibles $400,000