
Current federal funding opportunities available

See EHF's list of the latest federal grants that may interest local health clinics and nonprofits.

Again in May, EHF’s Research team went through hundreds of federal funding opportunities available and narrowed down the massive list.

The grants vary in amount and project size, but the list offers a window into what’s currently being funded by many different federal government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and more.

“Just looking at the available grants can give you ideas of how to think about and approach specific issues in your community,” said Shao-Chee Sim, EHF’s VP for applied research.

Look through the specific grants below and click on the grant number to the far left to get more information about the grant amount, requirements and much more.


Federal Grant Opportunities

USDA-NIFA-RHSE-005756 Rural Health & Safety Education
The RHSE program proposals are expected to be community-based, outreach education programs, such as those conducted through Human Science extension outreach, that provides individuals and families with: Information as to the value of good health at any age; Information to increase individual or family’s motivation to take more responsibility for their own health.
National Institute of Food and Agriculture 3/23/16 6/1/16          
CDC-RFA-CE16-1605 Preventing Teen Dating and Youth Violence by Addressing Shared Risk and Protective Factors
Fund(4-6) local health departments in communities with demonstrated high rates of violence to implement the best available strategies to prevent youth violence and teen dating violence. As a result of the program, communities will decrease the burden of youth violence and teen dating violence, and address shared risk and protective factors for multiple forms of violence.
Centers for Disease Control – NCIPC 3/29/16 6/6/16          
SM-16-012 Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (Short Title:  ReCAST Program)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2016 Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (Short Title: ReCAST Program) grants.The purpose of this program is to assist high-risk youth and families and promote resilience and equity in communities that have recently faced civil unrest through implementation of evidence-based, violence prevention, and community youth engagement programs, as well as linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services. 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 4/8/16 6/7/16          
SM-16-011 Assisted Outpatient Treatment Grant Program for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness, (Short Title:  Assisted Outpatient Treatment [AOT])
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2016 Assisted Outpatient Treatment Grant Program for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness (Short title: Assisted Outpatient Treatment [AOT]).This 4-year pilot program is intended to implement and evaluate new AOT programs and identify evidence-based practices in order to reduce the incidence and duration of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, incarcerations, and interactions with the criminal justice system while improving the health and social outcomes of individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI). This program is designed to work with families and courts, to allow these individuals to obtain treatment while continuing to live in the community and their homes. 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 4/18/16 6/16/16          
HRSA-17-009 New Access Points
Eligible applicants are health centers that provide health services to medically underserved populations, as defined in section 330 of the PHS Act.  As such, the applicant must propose a new access point project (across all proposed sites) that: Provides comprehensive primary medical care as its main purpose 
Health Resources and Services Administration 4/18/16 6/17/16          
RDRUS-CC-2016 Community Connect Grant Program
The Community-Oriented Connectivity Broadband Grant Program (Community Connect Grant Program) is designed to provide financial assistance to provide service at the Broadband Grant Speed in rural, economically-challenged communities where broadband service does not currently exist. 
Utilities Programs 4/19/16 6/17/16          
HHS-2016-ACL-AOA-EJIG-0168 Elder Justice Innovation Grants
The purpose of the Elder Justice Innovation Grants program is to support the development and advancement of new and emerging issues related to elder justice. Funded projects will contribute to the improvement of the field of elder abuse prevention and intervention at large, such as by developing materials, programs, etc that can be widely disseminated and/or replicated, or by establishing and/or contributing to the evidence-base of knowledge
Administration for Community Living 4/19/16 6/20/16          
TI-16-012 Statewide Peer Networks for Recovery and Resiliency (Short Title:  Statewide Peer Networks for R&R)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) and Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) are accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2016 Statewide Peer Networks for Recovery and Resiliency (Short Title: StatewidePeer Networks for R&R) grants. The purpose of this jointly-funded grant program (CSAT and CMHS) is to provide a one-year developmental period to promote cross-system collaboration, expand the peer workforce, build infrastructure, and enhance capacity among currently funded SAMHSA Recovery Community Services Program – Statewide Networks (RCSP-SNs), currently or formerly funded Statewide Consumer Networks (SCNs), and currently or formerly funded Statewide Family Networks (SFNs).
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 4/20/16 6/21/16          
HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-TV-1180  National Human Trafficking Hotline Program
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACFY), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) announces that funds will be available for the National Human Trafficking Hotline Program. This funding opportunity will support the operation of the National Human Trafficking Hotline Program, which funds the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH). The NHTH is a dedicated, toll-free, U.S. national telephone and online communication hotline that provides assistance, crisis intervention, and resource assistance 24 hours a day, every day of the year to potential domestic and foreign human trafficking victims, service providers, law enforcement agencies, and other key stakeholders. 
Administration for Children & Families – ACYF/FYSB 5/20/16 7/19/16          
HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CY-1121 Basic Center Program
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) supports organizations and communities that work every day to put an end to youth homelessness, adolescent pregnancy, and domestic violence. FYSB’s Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) program is accepting applications for the Basic Center Program (BCP). The purpose of the BCP is to provide temporary shelter and counseling services to youth who have left home without permission of their parents or guardians, have been forced to leave home, or other homeless youth who might otherwise end up in the law enforcement or in the child welfare, mental health, or juvenile justice systems.
Administration for Children and Families 5/5/16 7/5/16          
HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-YO-1124 Street Outreach Program
Today, in communities across the country, young people are living on the streets after running from or being asked to leave homes characterized by abuse, neglect, or parental drug and alcohol abuse. Once on the streets, such youth are at risk of being sexually exploited or abused by adults for pleasure or profit. In addition, youth may engage in shoplifting, survival sex, or drug dealing in order to provide for their basic needs. Since 1996, Street Outreach Program (SOP) has been aiding this population by funding grantees to provide street-based services to runaway, homeless, and street youth who have been subjected to, or are at risk of being subjected to, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation. These services, which are provided in areas where street youth congregate, are designed to assist such youth in making healthy choices and providing them access to shelter. 
Administration for Children and Families 5/4/16 7/5/16          
HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CA-1179 Grants to Address Trafficking within the Child Welfare Population
The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to solicit proposals for projects that will address human trafficking within the child welfare population. This funding is designed to continue the development of child welfare systems’ response to human trafficking through infrastructure building and a multi-system approach with local law enforcement, juvenile justice, court systems, runaway and homeless youth programs, Children’s Justice Act grantees, child advocacy centers, and other necessary service providers.
Administration for Children and Families 5/10/16 7/11/16          
CDC-RFA-EH16-1606 Comprehensive asthma control through evidence-based strategies and public health – health care collaboration
The awards purpose is to maximize the reach, impact, efficiency, and sustainability of comprehensive asthma control services. Comprehensive asthma care entails providing a seamless alignment of the full array of services across the public health and health care sectors so that people with asthma receive all, not just some, of the services they need. Providing comprehensive care at a population level requires a stepwise approach.
Centers for Disease Control – NCEH 5/19/16 7/19/16          
DTFH6116RA00010 Transportation Workforce Strategic Initiative
The purpose of this proposed Agreement is to better define transportation career pathways in the five key disciplines of planning, environment, engineering, safety, and operations. Career pathways are generally considered as an integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop individuals’ core academic, technical, and employability skills, and provide them with continuous education and training that allow them to be placed and develop in high-demand, high-opportunity careers.
DOT Federal Highway Administration  5/5/16 7/5/16          
FOA-ETA-16-10 YouthBuild
YouthBuild is a community-based alternative education program for youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who are high school dropouts, adjudicated youth, youth aging out of foster care, youth with disabilities, homeless youth, and other disconnected youth populations. The YouthBuild program simultaneously addresses several core issues important to low-income communities: affordable housing, education, employment, leadership development, and energy efficiency. The YouthBuild model balances project-based academic learning and occupational skills training to prepare disadvantaged youth for career placement. The academic component assists youth who are often significantly behind in basic skill development to obtain a high school diploma or state high school equivalency credential. The occupational skills training component prepares at-risk youth to gain placement into career pathways and/or further education or training, and also supports the goal of increasing affordable housing within communities by teaching youth construction skills learned by building or significantly renovating homes for sale or rent to low-income families or transitional housing for homeless families or individuals.
Employment and Training Administration 5/17/16 7/6/16          
HRSA-16-186 Leadership Training for People of Color Living with HIV
This announcement solicits applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2016 Leadership Training for People of Color Living with HIV program. This program supports the development and delivery of training programs for people of color living with HIV of all ages (e.g., Black, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN), and Asian/Pacific Islander (API)) to enable full, active and engaged participation on planning bodies, medical and support care teams, boards of directors, and other mobilization efforts to address the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 (NHAS 2020)
Health Resources and Services Administration 5/5/16 7/8/16          
HRSA-16-187 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Building Care and Prevention Capacity: Addressing the HIV Care Continuum in Southern Metropolitan Areas
This announcement solicits applications for fiscal year (FY) 2016 to support a single organization that will serve as the Coordination and Technical Assistance Center (CTAC) for a new Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund (SMAIF) program entitled Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Building Care and Prevention Capacity:Addressing the HIV Care Continuum in Southern Metropolitan Areas.
Health Resources and Services Administration 5/11/16 7/12/16          
HRSA-16-185 Improving Access to Care: Using Community Health Workers to Improve Linkage and Retention in HIV Care
This announcement solicits applications for fiscal year (FY) 2016 to support a single organization that will serve as the Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center (TAEC) for a new initiative entitled Improving Access to Care: Using Community Health Workers to Improve Linkage and Retention in HIV Care.  The goal of this three year cooperative agreement is to increase the utilization of community health workers (CHW) to improve access to and retention in health care; and to improve health outcomes for people living with HIV (PLWH) by strengthening the health care workforce, building healthier communities, and achieving health equity among racial and ethnic minority populations.
Health Resources and Services Administration 5/3/16 7/12/16          
HRSA-16-188 Jurisdictional Approach to Curing Hepatitis C Among HIV/HCV Coinfected People of Color – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center
This announcement solicits applications for fiscal year 2016 Jurisdictional Approach to Curing Hepatitis C among HIV/HCV Coinfected People of Color – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center.  Funding will be provided in the form of a cooperative agreement to support one (1) organization for up to three years to coordinate the efforts of up to four (4) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B recipients funded under a separate announcement (HRSA-16-189).  The purpose of the Jurisdictional Approach to Curing Hepatitis C among HIV/HCV Coinfected People of Color – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center initiative is to increase RWHAP Parts A and B jurisdiction-level capacity to provide comprehensive screening, care, and treatment for hepatitis C (HCV). 
Health Resources and Services Administration 5/16/16 7/14/16          
HRSA-17-008 Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP)
This announcement solicits applications for the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP).  The purpose of this program is to promote access to health care for children, youth and their families nationwide, and employ preventive health strategies through innovative community-based programs.  This program supports HRSA’s goals to improve access to quality health care and services, to build healthy communities, and to improve health equity.  
Health Resources and Services Administration 5/19/16 8/2/16          
PA-FPT-16-002 Announcement of Availability of Funds for a Training and Technical Assistance Project to Support the Title X Family Planning Program
The goal of this announcement is to fund a Family Planning National Training Center for Service Delivery Improvement (FPNTC-SDI) through a cooperative agreement. The overarching goal of OPA is to improve reproductive health outcomes for men, women and adolescents by reducing teen and unplanned pregnancies, supporting optimal birth spacing, lowering the rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and improving birth outcomes. The FPNTC-SDI will contribute to these goals by supporting the sustained delivery of quality family planning services.
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health 5/18/16 7/18/16