Medicare looks at the impact of social determinants of health
For the first time, Medicare has released a report looking at how non-medical, unmet social needs affect the health of patients.
For the first time, Medicare has released a report looking at how non-medical, unmet social needs affect the health of patients.
Exploring how life expectancies vary across Houston-area neighborhoods. Houston is home to the world’s biggest medical center, which includes the largest children’s hospital, the nation’s top-ranked cancer hospital, and internationally recognized pioneers in research and medicine. Yet, if you drive less than five miles southeast of the Texas Medical Center, you will find clusters of
From the Understanding Houston blog, EHF’s Robiel Abraha writes about the “The 21-Year-Gap” — highlighting our latest research showing why non-medical factors where we live have a dramatic impact on our health.
At the recent Democratic presidential debate in Houston, we heard more details about health care and the candidates’ ideas to improve our health care system. It’s not surprising considering a plurality of voters see health care as the most important issue facing the nation. But as these issues continue to be discussed, I’m hoping we will also hear
In a Houston Chronicle op-ed, EHF CEO Elena Marks writes that when it comes to the presidential debates on health care, it’s not enough to talk about the health care system without a focus on actually improving HEALTH.
At no cost to taxpayers, EHF is spearheading a research project in Harrison County that will take a closer look at the relationship of how the county spends funds and the health of those who live here. This project is one example of how we all need to change the conversation to improving health, not just healthcare across Texas.
“The state can actually do something about it. This was a session on education, not so much on health. Maybe next time’s the health session,” says EHF’s Elena Marks on Texas Standard. EHF’s new statewide poll shows healthcare affordability & access remain consistent struggles for the majority of Texans, yet little was done to address those issues at the state legislature. #HealthNotJustHealthcare
In an opinion column in the Houston Chronicle, EHF’s Elena Marks says while the Affordable Care Act is far from perfect, the health insurance situation of today is preferable to the ghosts of Christmas past.
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