EHF’s Congregational Engagement web pages were launched just last month and now there are more pages and resources to explore!
Congregations can learn more about how other Episcopal churches are in action and involved in community health outreach, discover key community health concerns in their area, and find out about opportunities to learn more about engaging with communities.
We’ve posted the results of our congregation survey and information on how to learn about specific resources and ministries at Episcopal churches using an interactive asset map.
New this month:
The Resource Center is dedicated to providing congregations with background information, resource organizations and other materials they can use to support engagement in community health. This month we launched pages addressing access to health care and mental and behavioral health. Be sure to check back periodically as new webpages and resources will continue to be added.
The Partner with EHF webpage is dedicated to supporting congregations and congregational leaders who have the desire to build skills and work with EHF to develop, implement, and improve on their ideas for community engagement. On this page, congregations can learn more about how to invite us to speak at your church, request consulting or technical support, request financial support, request research on health in your community, and much more.
We invite you to visit these pages and let us know what you think! Send us an email at