
EHF’s new funding priorities for 2017

See EHF's new grant application process, deadlines and funding priorities.


The last three years have taught us a lot about how we solicit, review and award grants at EHF. We’ve learned through our own experience and through consulting with our grant partners and with foundation colleagues locally and across the country.

In response, we will be clustering grant application reviews based upon EHF strategies, using a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) process, launching a revised grant application, and providing additional information about our priorities for funding in 2017.

Click here to see all the information about EHF’s updated grant application process

NEW Deadlines for 2017:

2017 Grant Review Schedule





Funding Cycle


LOI Submission

Grant Application Submission

Board Consideration





March 2, 2017


Comprehensive community-based primary care / Access to health services

February 1, 2017

March 17, 2017

June 15, 2017


Early childhood brain development / Community capacity building

April 18, 2017

June 16, 2017

September 21, 2017


Behavioral health

July 18, 2017

September 15, 2017

December 14, 2017

We strongly encourage you to submit an LOI as far in advance of your corresponding deadline as possible.  We will make every attempt to respond to your LOI as soon as possible, but no later than 4 weeks after submission. As you can see, the first deadline for submitting a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) form will be February 1, 2017.

Please read this information thoroughly.
Send us an email
or call EHF at 713-225-0900 if you have any questions.