Why we take to the road
Why does EHF travel Texas holding community meetings? We do this because there is no substitute for being on the ground, in the communities we serve, alongside the people who live and work there.
Why does EHF travel Texas holding community meetings? We do this because there is no substitute for being on the ground, in the communities we serve, alongside the people who live and work there.
In late 2015, EHF took to the road for community meetings. We listened and our report out follows.
Health insurance costs are going up, but it’s time to inject some reality into the national conversation about health care and how we pay for it.
Dr. Shao-Chee Sim, EHF’s new VP for applied research, shares how working in strategic philanthropy continues his lifelong interest in helping communities.
Funding from the Episcopal Health Foundation and other philanthropies can provide a launching pad for a nascent idea, build the capacity of a long-standing organization, and absorb risk for high-risk but high-reward initiatives. But our dollars cannot — nor should they have to — compensate for a faulty system.
Access to health care alone does not create healthy communities, nor will more access to more care. We need something different: we need to set our sights on health, not just health care.
We’re six months into executing on our first strategic operating plan, 18 months into my tenure, a little over two years into our actual existence, and I’m taking stock.
We all know the drill: The U.S. spends significantly more on health care than all other countries in the world, and yet we have poorer health outcomes than almost all industrialized nations. Some contend that we shouldn’t spend 18 percent of gross domestic product on health care. I agree, but not because good health isn’t worth that much, but because we aren’t getting value for our dollars.
500 Fannin St. Suite 300
Houston, Texas 77002
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