What are churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas doing to engage their communities through ministry? How can your church get started? What is EHF’s role in working with churches of the Diocese to support our effort to transform community health? The answers to all these questions and more will be provided through EHF’s Congregation Connection!
In August, we published a summary of the findings from our survey of congregations, which is being used to help inform EHF’s strategy for working with churches interested in deepening their involvement around community health issues. More than 80 churches responded to the survey, providing important insight into the challenges that face our communities, as well as ideas on how EHF can best support transformative work.
Click on the report below to see the full survey results
In the survey, one question we asked was: “What kind of information and communication would be most helpful to your congregation?” Survey respondents requested case studies of successful congregation ministries, bulletin inserts featuring opportunities and health facts, and electronic newsletters with community health resources and ideas for congregations. This newsletter is one of our responses to those requests. We hope to use it to share information about EHF’s congregational engagement work, highlight stories and successes from other congregations, and offer resources like organizations or conferences that may help you network, learn, and share.
In order to reach the people in your congregation who might be interested in connecting with EHF’s congregational engagement work, please encourage people to sign up to receive EHF’s Congregation Connection. We are sending this first edition to all clergy, staff and any parishioners who have attended one of our meetings to date and we need your help to reach others in your congregation who might be interested.
We hope this newsletter will promote a better understanding of EHF’s congregational engagement work and ways to partner with us moving forward. Look for it on a monthly basis with an occasional special edition with any urgent news or opportunities.