The National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) and the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) have both recently published payment reform toolkits targeting state Medicaid officials, state Primary Care Associations, FQHCs and other clinics.
Both reports focus on a value-based payment methodology that rewards providers for quality and efficiency over volume of care delivered, and is tied to performance measures. EHF is particularly interested in this kind of payment reform because it works to redeploy clinic resources to prevention, addresses non-medical factors that are often the underlying causes of poor health, and can lead to better health outcomes for both patients and the community.
The NACHC-supported report– The FQHC Alternative Payment Methodology (APM) Toolkit: Fundamentals of Developing A Capitated FQHC APM – provides very detailed information about goal setting and engagement, rate setting, payment elements, and Medicaid processes for implementing an alternative payment methodology.
The NASHP toolkit is called State Strategies to Develop Value-Based Payment Methodologies for Federally Qualified Health Centers. It’s designed to support state Medicaid policymakers in implementing alternative payment methodologies based on lessons learned from states during the National Academy for State Health Policy’s value-based reform academy. It includes information on stakeholder engagement, value-based payment methodology development, measurement and reporting, and FQHC readiness and practice transformation.