
Video Story: Sit A While

Root beer floats, race, courage, and the beauty that emerges when one takes the time to sit a while. Watch The Rev. Dr. Nandra Perry, vicar of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Hearne, talk about the importance of listening and how stories in Hearne are shaping a new focus on healing in the community.

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Currently un-occupied, the City Café sits across the street from the pocket park where St. Philip’s hosts city-wide gatherings in downtown Hearne

The Rev. Dr. Nandra Perry and the small St. Philip’s Episcopal Church community responded to a call they discerned a few years ago to bring together all the people of Hearne. Working with EHF, they embarked on the Texas Rural Leadership Program (TRLP) and have since participated in the EHF Holy Currencies Incubator for community ministry. Recently, we sat down with Nandra and asked her to share a story from their community engagement work.

To learn more about the parish and their community engagement efforts read Small Church, Big Impact.